The Western Canadian Irish Dance Teachers’ Association (W.C.I.D.T.A.) is excited to announce the dates for the Canadian National Irish Dance Championships!

The event will take place October 15-17th, 2021 (competitions may take place October 14th, 2021 should entries dictate; to be confirmed mid-August.)

Competitions will be held at both the Hyatt Regency Calgary and Calgary TELUS Convention Centre.

Bringing Canada together, the Western Canadian Region is excited to host this World Qualifying event! We are also very happy to be working closely with the Eastern Canadian region to make this event special for all our nation’s dancers. Accommodation information, the syllabus and ongoing updates will be posted here at WCIDTA.CA

Thank you for your patience as we worked vigorously over the last few months to identify dates and a venue for this prestigious event, and to host it at a time when we project that all can attend.

Cara Casey-O’Loughlin A.D.C.R.G., Chair of Canadian Nationals, Corresponding Secretary, Western Canadian Irish Dance Teachers’ Asssociation

Linda Possak-Anderson A.D.C.R.G., Regional Director, Western Canadian Irish Dance Teachers’ Association

Ryan Carroll, A.D.C.R.G., Regional Director, Irish Dance Teachers’ Association of Canada, Eastern Region